Friday, September 1, 2017

First Knit Diaper Cover

We mostly cloth diaper, so when I found out I was expecting I looked up a few cloth diaper knitting patterns. I really liked the Vanilla Soaker pattern, but I didn't know how to do a cast on that you could take out to leave live stitches so I just picked up sts when I arrived at that part. That was a mistake. Since I am horrible at picking up stitches, it left a glaring line in my diaper that was quite ugly! I was so upset, but a friend suggested sewing a piece of lace over it. So I did, and that is why my new diaper has a weird piece of lace on it. Trust me, it's better than a weird line. I do want to make more of these, so I will be learning the cast on to make it right next time.

Anyway, every time I look at this diaper I just remember my mistake and feel irritated. I need to make another one to redeem myself for sure.

I used knit picks wool of the andes in worsted weight to create this.