Friday, September 29, 2017

Sweater Vest

I've been knitting so much for the January Baby that I wanted to make something for Reuben. I actually started on this sweater vest for him before morning sickness hit, but didn't finish it until much later in my pregnancy. Obviously that's okay--it just hit fall and he's just able to wear it, so no time missed.

Isn't it JUST ADORABLE? Not to mention he loves it and wants to wear it every day. There is nothing more satisfying for a knitter. I am sure he will outgrow the "I love everything mommy makes" stage by his teen years, but for now I will bask in my greatness. (ahem) (lol)

The pattern is the Toddler Snappy Shoulder Vest. It's free, and I really enjoyed it! I did have to redo the bottom once, as I made it too short the first time, but overall I am very pleased with how it turned out. I was tired of picking up stitches by the time I was done--the shoulders and the neck all had to be picked up. Oh, and I used knit picks yarn from my stash. Yay, stash busting!

Now on to Christmas knitting!