Friday, October 27, 2017

I made Socks!

I've wanted to knit socks forever! The task of knitting at least one pair was on my to-do list for my new years resolutions...last year and this year too. I started on this pair of basic toe-up socks from the book Socks from the Toe Up in November of 2016, intending to give them to my mom for Christmas. Almost one year later in October of 2017 I finished them! They will make a great gift this year so I am not worried.

And...I love knitting socks! It really isn't hard. The only annoying thing is that you have to make two of them so that they match, but the same goes for gloves and sweater sleeves so...that's normal.

I did not write down what kind of yarn this is. The orange is knit picks wool of the andes fingering but the green...your guess is as good as mine! Anyway, I am really proud to have finished something on my bucket list. Next up: a pair of socks for me!