Friday, September 22, 2023


September has been our month of sickness! Reuben has been sick three times, Brian once, Esther once, and Becky twice. I have escaped so far. 

Fall weather is here and it is glorious. Beautiful. Esther has moved into 3-6m clothing which now fit her so well. She is wearing some 6m clothing as well, but 6-9 month is too big.

One of my best friends husband passed away this week. His name was Andrew and he will be missed. His wife Mandy is a gem. They have two small children age 3 and 6. I am grieving for her this week. He died of a blood clot in his lung. So very very sad. Life is short. This has caused my husband and I to have some unique conversations about what we would want done for each other if in the awful case one of us passes away.

God is good!! God is so good, and he is with Mandy. Andrew was a believer in Christ and I know he is with God today.

September is turning out to be a hard month, with memories of Sep 11 (I can't believe that is only 'history' to my children) and now the death of Andrew. 

Pray for Mandy and Andrew, and their two sweet babies.

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