Saturday, January 11, 2025

I can't believe it.

Esther has croup. Someone has been sick in this house since two weeks before Christmas! I am so over it. Poor little Esther. We also got more snow last night, but in my area it mostly melted today so the roads should be fine, which is a relief if I have to take Esther to the doctor. But the big kids went sledding with Daddy outside for three hours.

Around dinner time, my husband announced that he is getting sick too. So please pray for us that we can shake off these reoccurring, back to back illnesses and all get better! And that hubby could get better quickly because co-parenting is so much better than caring for a sick husband and child and doing it all myself. It really is hard, even if my family is a blessing. 

Esther lately has been obsessed with 'washing hands'. She would literally wash her hands all day if I let her, and in true toddler fashion she can now carry her little chair around and get to the sink all on her own, the cutie pie. We finally got her some new, warm, well-fitting clothes and she is just a ham. 

I am exhausted from all the sick. God is so good and I am trying to meditate on him through this difficult season. This is both mine and Becky's birthday month and so far all I have been doing is reacting and caring for the sick people! I guess God wanted me to be focused and busy this new year. 

Maybe we all need daily vitamin D. I'm sure it's in our multivitamin we take. It has to be right? I'm going to go check. 

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