Thursday, September 10, 2020

Free in Jesus

My health has been normal for about a week. No major bloating. No strange brain fog or serious issues thinking or moving. No debilitating tiredness. (My chronic fatigue has been gone for over a month now!)

I'm still in the thankful phase. Because every day feels like a gift. Normal activities that I used to complain about now feel like treasures, because yes, I can cook dinner and I don't have to lay down all day and yes, I can scrub the floors and spend time with the kids. I can go places! In a car!! I can run around outside and jump on the trampoline and swing my kids in the air! Isn't life amazing? I have arms and they work again. YAY. 

I'm still having eye problems, but they are a bit better. I found out by another eye appointment that my astigmatism changed in my right eye. Getting new right eye lenses helps, but words are still blurry? But I can read for longer stretches, and am not having daily headaches. I probably need to update to larger computer where I can increase the text size? My laptop is tiny. Maybe I can afford a new computer next year!

Every day I wake up I have been telling myself that I am free in Jesus.

As I cook breakfast, I am free in Jesus.

As I parent my children, I am free in Jesus. 

On a side note, I really want a big wall hanging that says "Free in Jesus" to stare at every day!!! Something blue and with the ocean in it. Someone make it happen and take my money.

Even as I do the dishes and sweep the floor (for the fifteenth time) I am free in Jesus! And yes, I get to sweep five more times tomorrow! With my arms that WORK. Isn't life WONDERFUL?!

I am free in Jesus. My soul sings it. I am free, and it feels good. God is so amazing and spectacular and I can't wait to worship him forever in heaven and sing his praises with my family. I am his.

You are free too. Serve him, and be free.

We are but dust on the wind.

Sorry to get philosophical. I guess I am having a moment. 2020 has been so awful. Two miscarriages, a global virus, political and racial unrest, the complete ruination of my heath, world-wide suffering and job loss, explosions, pain, and...murder hornets. We had a murder hornet stuck in our house a few weeks ago. It was HUGE. And scary. My sister helped me shoo it out.

But today I cling tightly to God. He is Truth and Light and Peace in all times. And its my duty to serve him in the best of times and the worst of times, and to raise up those he has blessed me with for as long as he wishes.

Onwards and Upwards.

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