Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hope Unfolding Book Review

I received this book right after giving birth to my first baby. I was kind of skeptical, and running on little sleep and I was extremely unhappy with my body. Also, I'd never heard of Scisssortail Silk or Ms. Thompson. After the first chapter I looked up her blog and followed her on twitter. Not only did this book meet me where I was and spoke to me in what I would call the hardest time of my life, it did so from a biblical perspective, with humor. I cried about every other chapter.

I am so glad she's written this. I want to buy it for all my mom friends. I want to get to know Becky in real life and go out to coffee with her. I love how real she is in her book, how she talks about her miscarriage (I had three, so I really really relate) and the trauma and, eventual contentment in God she found.

In short, I would recommend this book to every mom, or mom to be.