Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Paleo AIP Meatballs

I made meatballs for a friend. She is loosely following the AIP paleo diet, so I just made up a recipe for some yummy meatballs for her and her two kids. This is what I did!

You Will Need: (Makes about 60 1tbsp-sized meatballs)
  1. One Large Zucchini, grated (also called a Courgette) 
  2. One carrot, first layer pealed off and grated 
  3. 1 pound of beef and 1 pound of your favorite sausage. I use 80/20 beef.
  4. a handful of chopped green onions (I used about 8 individual stalks chopped)
  5. 1/4th cup coconut aminos
  6. 1 teaspoon fresh grated / minced ginger
  7. 1/4th teaspoon ginger
  8. 1.5 teaspoon arrowroot starch (or flour)  
  9. A dash of salt and pepper to taste (I usually put in a pinch of each)
If you are just paleo and not aip, feel free to add 1 egg to this.I've made it with and without the egg lots of times. It's fine without the egg but I like it with, as well.


Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. Combine all the of the above and mix well. Using a tablespoon, make round balls and place on a baking tray sprayed with coconut oil or covered in parchment paper. I space mine about 1/2 inch apart. I bake them in the over for 30 minutes, and always use a thermometer to check  that the meatball gets above 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Makes about 60 meatballs, depending on how small/large you make them. I used a tablespoon to scoop it out to make sure they were even.
